Monk / Warrior
Weapon Skills
Blank Gaze (Conal paralysis) , Antiphase (AoE silence) , Uppercut / , Blow (Damage + Stun)
- Trade the Cipher: Abenzio item to one of the beginning Trust quest NPCs, which may be acquired via:
Special Features
- Possesses HP+20%
- Abenzio's job is Monk unlike most Goobbue which are Warriors.
- He has the normal MNK/WAR traits, but he does Kick Attacks with his arm vines because Goobbue don't have a kick animation.
- Possesses a monstrous Max HP Boost among other Job Traits, but doesn't use Job Abilities.
- As a Plantoid, he intimidates beasts, is intimidated by vermin, and is subject to Plantoid Killer.
- Uses TP randomly and does not try to skillchain.
- Summoning, Dismiss and death text can only be understood if summoner is wearing (or lockstyled) mandragora costume gear (Mandragora Suit and Mansque, etc).
Warrior / Monk
Berserk, Warcry, Restraint
Weapon Skills
Combo , Backhand Blow , Salaheem Spirit
Special Features
- Salaheem Spirit
- All nearby party members receive a +24 bonus to all base attributes, i.e.: STR, DEX, etc. (Bonuses degrade over time: about a rate of -1 per tock. Usually +13 to +16 left when the effect ends based on initial duration).
- Duration is based on TP (~70 seconds @1500 TP, ~90 seconds @2000 TP, 120 seconds @3000 TP)
- Salaheem Spirit's attribute bonus seems to be determined on your level ÷ 4 (+18 @ level 72, +24 @ level 99)
- Holds up to 1500 TP to try to close skillchains.
- When not able to close a skillchain, uses Berserk + Warcry + random weapon skill.
- Without any conditions to increase Salaheem Spirit usage: maintaining the bonus is up to luck. External TP Bonuses (
) and TP gain rate increases (Regain/Haste/Store TP/Double Attack) can help.
Thief / Ninja
Bully, Sneak Attack, Assassin's Charge
Weapon Skills
Lock and Load / , Shockstorm Edge (AoE) / , Iniquitous Stab / , Choreographed Carnage /
- Trade the Cipher: Aldo item to one of the beginning Trust quest NPCs, which may be acquired via:
Special Features
- Possesses THF/NIN traits, limited to Treasure Hunter I.
- Holds up to 2000 TP in order to close skillchains. If he's not able to close a skillchain, will use Assassin's Charge in combination with the WS.
- Can be made to spam Shockstorm Edge (to close) by opening with a Weapon Skill that leaves no alternative (like Cyclone)
- Lock and Load is a marksmanship weapon skill, which Aldo seems to have a lower proficiency in since this weapon skill misses more often than others.
- Uses Sneak Attack regardless of positioning and does not try to combine it with weapon skills.
- Will use Bully before Sneak Attack (to remove the directional requirement on Sneak Attack), so try readying a skillchain when you see Aldo use Bully.
- Sneak Attack does not work on ranged or magic weapon skills.
- Gains TP quickly with Dual Wield and Triple Attack trait: 50 TP/hit x2.
Trust Synergy
- Aldo/Lion/Zeid: When two or three of them are in a party together, they gain a power boost from each of the others in the party. [Official synergy hint]
- Aldo gains an “enhances Dual Wield effect” bonus (Requires level 20 or greater). Adds a chance for extra attacks instead of reducing delay: his TP gain is still multiples of 50. (similar to Hattori Garb Set) [Reference:Patch Notes]
- Lion gains an attack speed increase ~6%/~12%.
- Zeid gains an attack bonus ~10%/~20%.
Aldo (UC)
Thief / Ninja
Bully, Sneak Attack
Weapon Skills
(50)Sarva's Storm /
- Be a member of the Aldo Unity Concord.
- Obtain 5000 Unity Accolades through Records of Eminence objectives for a Partial Personal Evaluation of 5pt.
Special Features
- Possesses 5/5 Triple Attack Rate merits at lv75.
- Excellent skillchain partner with thieves using Rudra's Storm.
- Uses Sneak Attack when behind the target or after using Bully, but does not try to combine it with weapon skills.
- Uses Sarva's Storm whenever another party member has 1000 TP in order to open skillchains.
- If no other party members gain TP, will use Sarva's Storm at 3000 TP.
Warrior / Paladin
Aggressor, Berserk, Blood Rage
Weapon Skills
Seraph Blade , Vorpal Blade / , Savage Blade / , Hurricane Wing (AoE) / , Dragon Breath (Conal AoE) /
- Trade the Cipher: Areuhat item to one of the beginning Trust quest NPCs, which may be acquired via:
Special Features
- Possesses enhanced Blood Rage duration (60s duration, 5m cooldown).
- Areuhat is capable of wielding TP attacks commonly employed by wyrms.
- Even in her Elvaan form, she is susceptible to Monster Correlation: She can intimidate Demons and be intimidated by them in turn.
- She waits for Warcry effects to expire before using Blood Rage, but it will sometimes be immediately overwritten by other Warrior trusts using Warcry at the same time she casts Blood Rage since they tend to have the same buffing logic.
- Holds up to 2000 TP to close skillchains.
Ark Angel GK
Samurai / Dragoon
Hasso, Konzen-ittai, Hagakure, Meditate, Sekkanoki, Jump, High Jump
Weapon Skills
Tachi: Fudo / , Tachi: Gekko / , Tachi: Kasha / , Tachi: Yukikaze / , Dragonfall (AoE Damage + Bind)
- Trade the Cipher: Ark GK item to one of the beginning Trust quest NPCs, which may be acquired via:
- Warp to Tu'Lia → Ru'Aun Gardens #5 to battle the Ark Angel with a Phantom gem of rage on any difficulty.
Players will be unable to receive the alter ego when trading the Cipher if they have not completed the Rhapsodies of Vana'diel mission "Exploring the Ruins." Completing that cutscene/mission will allow the cipher to be traded.
Special Features
- Possesses HP+20%
- Occassionally able to use Weapon Skills without consuming TP. Can do this to close Skillchains under 1000 TP or to use Dragonfall twice at high TP.
- There is a short delay before he can use it again.
- Has a high TP return on Jump (790 TP), uses it at low TP.
- Uses High Jump when in the top enmity slot.
- He will use Konzen-ittai if available when the player has 1000 TP but he does not. Never tries to close a Skillchain with it.
- Holds up to 3000 TP to try to close skillchains.
- If Sekkanoki and Meditate are available, self-skillchains at 2000 TP.
Trust Synergy
- ArkEV / ArkHM / ArkMR / ArkGK / ArkTT: When all 5 Ark Angels are summoned, they possess a Magic Evasion bonus (see: Resist).
Samurai / Samurai
Meditate, Hasso, Third Eye
Weapon Skills
(1)Tachi: Enpi / , (9)Tachi: Hobaku , (23)Tachi: Goten / , (33)Tachi: Kagero , (49)Tachi: Jinpu / , (55)Tachi: Koki / , (60)Tachi: Yukikaze / , (65)Tachi: Gekko / , (71)Tachi: Kasha /
- Complete the initiation quest in Bastok.
- Must be Rank 3 or higher in any nation.
Special Features
- Skillchains:
- Once the player uses a Weapon Skill with Ayame summoned, she will hold off using weapon skills until the player has 1000 or more TP.
- This helps to open the highest level Skillchain possible determined by the previously used weapon skill.
- Ayame will always try to open a Skillchain rather than close it.
- She will Weapon Skills regardless how much HP is remaining on the current monster.
- Holds TP until 3000 to open skillchains for the player.
- Uses Meditate, when the ability is ready, in situations where the player has TP but she does not.
- Only uses Third Eye when she pulls hate.
Ayame (UC)
Samurai / Warrior
Blade Bash, Sengikori, Hasso, Third Eye, Shikikoyo, Meditate
Weapon Skills
(5)Tachi: Jinpu / , (25)Tachi: Koki / , (50)Tachi: Mudo / , (60)Tachi: Kasha / , (70)Tachi: Ageha /
- Be a member of the Ayame Unity Concord.
- Obtain 5000 Unity Accolades through Records of Eminence objectives for a Partial Personal Evaluation of 5pt.
Special Features
- Possesses 5/5 Shikikoyo merits at level 75 (shared TP +48%)
- Skillchains
- Specializes in two-person 3-step or 5-step skillchains with the player, resulting in higher Skillchain damage and Magic Burst Damage Bonus with each step.
- Completes skillchains while using Sengikori if ready.
- Only closes skillchains started by the player (or their pet). Waits at 3000 TP until conditions are met.
- Always closes a higher level skillchain, ignores the skillchain if she can't.
- Due to the weapon skills available, cannot close skillchains started with Distortion or Fusion.
- Does not close Level 4 Light skillchains, Tachi: Mudo is only used to close Darkness.
- Always chooses Tachi: Ageha following a Detonation opener.
- Level 1 Chainbound (Status) will be closed by Tachi: Koki for Fragmentation.
- Abilities are used based on skillchain level and battle condition, so she may Meditate before a weaponskill instead of waiting for you to reach 1000 TP.
- Ayame's consistent weapon skill choice and timing make her a good choice for parties who want to set up magic bursts of a specific element boosted by Sengikori (+25% Magic Burst Damage).
- High TP gain rate with Hasso/Zanshin and >250 TP per hit depending on level of SAM Store TP trait.
- Tachi: Ageha is the 2015 version.
- Defense Down could need more TP and Magic Accuracy than the player's version to land on high-level enemies.
- Trust weapon skills have different IDs than the ones players use and have a separate implementation.
- When she has 2000+ TP, she uses Shikikoyo on the party leader after they use a weapon skill.
- After summoning Ayame, if she reaches 2000 TP before the party leader has used a weapon skill, uses Shikikoyo immediately.
- If she gets hate, uses Third Eye.
- Stuns enemies with Blade Bash, only to interrupt spellcasting.
Warrior / Red Mage "Beast"
Weapon Skills
Howling Gust / , Starward Yowl / , Righteous Rasp / , Aurous Charge / , Stalking Prey (AoE) /
- Trade the Cipher: Darrcuiln item to one of the beginning Trust quest NPCs, which may be acquired via:
Special Features
- Possesses HP+~42%
- Has several auto-attack animations. Although none can miss, only the roar appears to do magic damage (element unknown). He will exclusively roar if the monster is out of range.
- Since his attacks are special moves, he does not benefit from Sambas or Haste, but likewise is not affected by Slow or Spikes.
- Has a large HP pool common to non-humanoids.
- Can treat as a Warrior for job interaction purposes (buffs/behaviors of other trusts).
- Holds TP randomly between (1500-2000), but does not attempt to close skillchains.
Trust Synergy
- Morimar: Darrcuiln and Morimar will uses TP moves more often when summoned together.
- Darrcuiln will use TP moves with 1000 TP, regardless of whether Morimar is ready to complete a skillchain or not.
- Note: If Morimar's aura is up, Darrcuiln behaves normally and saves its TP until 1500-2000.
Thief / Red Mage
Stun, Enwater, Cure I - IV
Weapon Skills
Bomb Toss (AoE) / , Goblin Rush /
- Trade the Cipher: Fablinix item to one of the beginning Trust quest NPCs, which may be acquired via:
Special Features
- Possesses MP+250%.
- Occasionally uses his crossbow in addition to dagger melee attacks. The long ranged attack delay can cause him to miss Stun opportunities.
- Casts Stun to interrupt enemy TP moves.
- Uses Cure spells on party members in orange HP (<50%) or asleep, with higher priority for the tank (<75%).
- Holds up to 1500 TP in order to close skillchains.
- Fablinix's high MP pool and access to Stun at the BLM level (lv.42) may give the impression that he is a BLM or has multiple main jobs. However, if you use him in area with subjob restrictions he will have 0 MP. If you give him at least +8MP through AoE Food (before applying his +350%) or by raising your item level, he will still be able to cast Stun but none of the other spells. He might have a different version of Stun than players, which may explain reports of his Stun recast being shorter.
Flaviria (UC)
Dragoon / Warrior
Jump, High Jump, Super Jump, Angon, Berserk
Weapon Skills
(5)Skewer / , (25)Impulse Drive / , (50)Celidon's Torment /
- Be a member of the Flaviria Unity Concord
- Obtain 5000 Unity Accolades through Records of Eminence objectives for a Partial Personal Evaluation of 5pt.
Special Features
- Possesses merits in Jump recast down, High Jump recast down, and Angon at level 75.
- Uses weapon skills at 1000 TP. Does not try to skillchain.
- Celidon's Torment is a Unity Leader version of Camlann's Torment which has a similar Ignores Defense property.
- Aggressive weapon skill usage and Jumps enhanced by Berserk, boosted Unity Leader stats (and Flaviria Unity Shirt), and early access to higher level weapon skills make Flaviria a strong physical damage dealer to have while leveling.
Ingrid II
White Mage / Warrior
Banish I - III, Cursna, Holy
Weapon Skills
Merciless Strike / , Moonlight , Inexorable Strike / , Ruthlessness (Conal Drain)
- Trade the Cipher: Ingrid II item to one of the beginning Trust quest NPCs, which may be acquired via:
Special Features
- Possesses Undead Killer, Banish effectiveness vs Undead +10 (28/256).
- Saves up to 2500 TP while waiting to close a skillchain.
- Ingrid II's weapon skills are especially effective at creating Light-based skillchains.
- Ingrid II only casts spells in order to Magic Burst, doing so with the Banish line of Divine Magic.
- Moonlight use doesn't appear to be triggered by anything specific (such as her or party members lacking MP).
- Self-Aggrandizement: Recovers HP and removes one status ailment for the entire party. Used when 3 or more party members are in yellow HP (<75%) or a party member is asleep. Recast: 00:30.
- Ingrid II is especially effective against undead enemies due to her propensity to create Light skillchains and magic bursting with powerful Banish spells.
Samurai / White Mage
Protectra V, Shellra V
Hagakure, Hasso, Meditate, Third Eye, Save TP (400), Blessing of Phoenix (one time Reraise)
Weapon Skills
Amatsu: Hanadoki ( ) / , Amatsu: Choun ( ) , Amatsu: Fuga ( ) , Amatsu: Gachirin ( ) /
- Trade the Cipher: Iroha item to one of the beginning Trust quest NPCs, which may be acquired via:
Special Features
- Possesses MP+50%
- If Hagakure and Meditate are available, does not try to close skillchains created by other weapon skills or existing skillchains: focuses on making a solo skillchain at 2000 TP.
- Iroha's skillchain is as follows: Hanadoki > Choun =
> Fuga = > Gachirin = > Gachirin =  .
- Holds up to 2500 TP to close skillchains.
- Has access to Protectra V and Shellra V at level 75 but no lower tier versions.
- Iroha possesses the blessing of Phoenix which will revive her at full HP if she is killed in battle (occurs only once per summoning).
Iroha II
Samurai / White Mage
Protectra V, Shellra V, Flare II
Hasso, Save TP (400), Meditate, Third Eye
Weapon Skills
Amatsu: Kyori ( ) , Amatsu: Hanadoki ( + Chance to Dispel) / , Amatsu: Suien ( ) , Amatsu: Gachirin ( ) / , Rise From Ashes (AoE Restore HP + MP + Stoneskin)
- Trade the Cipher: Iroha II item to one of the beginning Trust quest NPCs, which may be acquired via:
Special Features
- Possesses HP-5%, MP+250%
- Gains 205 TP per hit.
- Has access to Protectra V and Shellra V at level 75 but no lower tier versions.
- Iroha will normally hold her TP in order to close any potential skillchains.
- When Iroha has 2000+ TP and Meditate is ready, she will attempt to perform a 4 part Double Light skillchain.
- Iroha will magic burst fire-based skillchains using a near instant cast Flare II.
- This version of Iroha has taken on a fiery new appearance and the blessing of Phoenix was upgraded; her Reraise was replaced with the AoE healing skill, Rise From Ashes.
- Rise from Ashes is a weapon skill that restores 25% HP of all party members, restores MP, and provides a 500HP Stoneskin buff.
- She will use Rise From Ashes if 3 or more party members are at yellow HP (75%) or if a party member is asleep.
Lhu Mhakaracca
Beastmaster / Warrior
Feral Howl, Berserk, Aggressor
Weapon Skills
Spinning Axe / / , Rampage , Onslaught / , Decimation /
- Trade the Cipher: Lhu item to one of the beginning Trust quest NPCs, which may be acquired via:
Special Features
- Favors Spinning Axe.
- Gains 91 TP per hit.
- Uses TP as soon as she gets it.
- Uses Feral Howl when the enemy is < 20% HP, which can help to prevent abilities triggered by low-hp (e.g. Healing abilities, Final Sting), especially job abilities you wouldn't be able to Stun normally (e.g. Benediction, Mijin Gakure)
Dancer / Dancer
Weapon Skills
Whirling Edge (AoE) / , Dancer's Fury / , Rousing Samba , Sensual Dance , Thorn Dance , Vivifying Waltz (Divine Waltz II)
- Trade the Cipher: Lilisette item to one of the beginning Trust quest NPCs, which may be acquired via:
Special Features
- Even though she appears to Dual Wield, she only attacks with a single attack per round.
- Does not try to participate in skillchains.
- Waits until ~1500 TP to use a TP move, Vivifying Waltz and Thorn Dance are prioritized when conditions are met.
- Vivifying Waltz will be used @ 1500 TP when at least 2 party members are in yellow HP (<75%), or as soon as 1000 TP when a party member is in orange (<50%) HP. The amount healed varies with TP.
- All of Lilisette's abilities are considered TP moves and will return 0 TP if not damaging to the enemy.
- Rousing Samba does not create samba animations on attacks, and is an AoE critical hit rate (10%).

- Sensual Dance is an AoE party attack (15%) and magic attack boost, but can miss party members due to positioning.
- Sensual Dance affects other party members with Lilisette in their line of sight (like a beneficial Gaze attack), and does not include herself.
- Sensual Dance can affect Lilisette, but the positioning is different. One way to do it is for Lilisette to be in front of the target and behind the player (the "Trick Attack to the face" position) and still close to the target. Then they would need to be facing each other to both receive the buff.
- The two boosts applied during Sensual Dance can wear off at different times, one at ~50 seconds, the other at ~55 seconds.
- Thorn Dance is a self-targeted Defense Bonus used when taking the top enmity slot. She can prioritize this ability and use it under 1500 TP.
Thief / Thief
Weapon Skills
Walk the Plank (AoE) / , Pirate Pummel / , Powder Keg (Conal) / , Grapeshot (Conal) /
- Trade the Cipher: Lion item to one of the beginning Trust quest NPCs, which may be acquired via:
Special Features
- Possesses THF traits such as Treasure Hunter I, Gilfinder, and Triple Attack.
- Uses TP as soon as she gets it.
- If the enemy is readying a TP move when she is ready to use a weapon skill, Lion will stun it with Grape Shot.
- Walk the Plank - AoE damage, bind, knock back, and dispel.
- Pirate Pummel - Damage and burn effect.
- Powder Keg - Conal damage, knock back, defense down, and magic defense down.
- Grape Shot - Conal damage and stun effect.
Trust Synergy
- Aldo/Lion/Zeid: When two or three of them are in a party together, they gain a power boost from each of the others in the party. [Official synergy hint]
- Aldo gains an “enhances Dual Wield effect” bonus (Requires level 20 or greater). Adds a chance for extra attacks instead of reducing delay: his TP gain is still multiples of 50. (similar to Hattori Garb Set) [Reference:Patch Notes]
- Lion gains an attack speed increase ~6%/~12%.
- Zeid gains an attack bonus ~10%/~20%.
Lion II
Thief / Ninja
Utsusemi: Ichi/Ni
Weapon Skills
Walk the Plank / , Pirate Pummel / , Powder Keg / , Grapeshot /
- Trade the Cipher: Lion II item to one of the beginning Trust quest NPCs, which may be acquired via:
Special Features
- Possesses THF/NIN traits such as Treasure Hunter I, Gilfinder, and Triple Attack
- Lion II's weaponskills are single target versions of Lion's weaponskills, with the same name and animation.
- Holds up to 3000 TP to try to close skillchains.
- Walk the Plank - Damage, bind, knock back, and dispel.
- Pirate Pummel - Damage and burn effect.
- Powder Keg - Damage, knock back, defense down, and magic defense down.
- Grape Shot - Damage and stun effect.
Corsair / Ninja
Quick Draw, Triple Shot
Weapon Skills
(5)Bisection / , (25)Akimbo Shot , (50)Leaden Salute / , (60)Grisly Horizon /
- Trade the Cipher: Luzaf item to one of the beginning Trust quest NPCs, which may be acquired via:
Special Features
- Possesses Skillchain Bonus, Magic Accuracy Bonus, Quick Draw Recast Down and Quick Draw Magic Accuracy from Merits, and A+ skill ranks on Sword, Dagger, and Gun [Official Note]
- Does not use Phantom Roll.
- Dual wields and shoots, leading to high rate of TP gain.
- Uses Quick Draw to deal damage based on the enemy's elemental weakness(s).
- Holds up to 2500 TP waiting for the player to reach 1000%+ and then weapon skills in order to open a skillchain.
- Prefers to open skillchains for his player but will close skillchains opened by another party member or trust.
- Selects one of his weapon skills randomly upon summoning and uses it exclusively unless attempting to close a skillchain.
- Great choice for closing Distortion and Darkness skillchains with other trusts due to not having access to Light, Fusion or Fragmentation properties.
Maat (UC)
Monk / Warrior
Chakra, Counterstance, Impetus
Weapon Skills
(50)Hollow Smite /
- Be a member of the Maat Unity Concord.
- Obtain 5000 Unity Accolades through Records of Eminence objectives for a Partial Personal Evaluation of 5pt.
Special Features
- Possesses increased Kick Attacks rate.
- Exclusively uses Hollow Smite as his weaponskill. If called below level 50, he will not have a way to spend TP.
- Uses Hollow Smite under any the following conditions:
- To open skillchains for the player when they have 1000 TP.
- To close a skillchain started by other party members if possible.
- When Maat (UC) has 3000 TP.
Ninja / Black Mage
Utsusemi: Ichi/Ni/San, Elemental Ninjutsu (San), Single-target elemental nukes I, Burn, Migawari: Ichi, Kakka: Ichi, Myoshu: Ichi, Yurin: Ichi, Aisha: Ichi, Aspir, Stun
Innin, Sange, Elemental Seal, Futae, Mana Wall
Weapon Skills
(1)Blade: Rin , (9)Blade: Retsu , (55)Blade: Ei , (60)Blade: Jin / , (66)Blade: Ten , (72)Blade: Ku / , (75)Blade: Kamu / , (85)Blade: Hi / , (91)Blade: Shun /
- If you have completed the quest Trust: Windurst, Trust: Bastok, or Trust: San d'Oria, you will automatically obtain the alter ego upon logging in.
- No message will be displayed signifying that you have acquired the alter ego.
- If you have not completed the quest Trust: Windurst, Trust: Bastok, or Trust: San d'Oria, you must first complete it and then relog or change areas.
- No message will be displayed signifying that you have acquired the alter ego.
Matsui-P was/is only available during the following times:
- From December 2020 until May 2021.
- From November 2022 until May 2023.
- From March 2025 until September 2025.
Special Features
- Prioritizes elemental ninjutsu and black magic spells.
- Magic bursts skillchains with Ninjutsu tier San and elemental magic tier I enhanced by Futae.
- Under specific conditions outlined below, uses weapon skills when the player reaches 1000 TP in order to open skillchains.
- Has callouts in party chat, making him easy to use.
- Announces when his TP is 1000.
- Before using a weapon skill, he will announce the skillchain property you can follow up with for a Light or Darkness skillchain.
- You can see these callouts when the Chat Filter option for "Messages from alter egos" says OFF.
- Casts Burn to lower enemy INT and prime them for Magical Damage.
- Casts Stun to interrupt enemy TP moves, and reduces monster TP gain with Myoshu.
- Generates TP rapidly with Daken, enhanced by Sange, though he often stops attacking to cast spells.
- High accuracy and damage for a trust.
- Prioritizes reapplying shadows and doesn't perform weaponskills if shadows are removed.
- Skillchains:
- Once the player uses a Weapon Skill with Level 2 Skillchain Properties while Matsui-P is summoned, he will use weapon skills when the player has 1000 or more TP.
- He only starts skillchains that would create Light or Darkness skillchains with the previously used weapon skill.
- He has no Distortion weapon skills, so he has no reaction to players using Gravitation weapon skills.
- Holds TP until 3000 to open skillchains for the player. Uses a random weapon skill at 3000 TP if conditions are not met.
- Matsui-P's skills and behavior were decided by the winner of the "Alter Ego Design Campaign – One Venturous Tarutaru!" competition.
- The development team made this comment on the contest entry: "This alter ego would be able deal lots of damage at once by using Ninjutsu to magic burst! Mana Wall doesn't seem possible due to the support job's level..."
- SE stated that any equipment would be cosmetic.
Dancer / Warrior
Drain Samba I - III, Haste Samba, Feather Step, Saber Dance, Climactic Flourish
Weapon Skills
Coming Up Roses / , Fast Blade , Swift Blade , Vorpal Blade /
- Trade the Cipher: Mayakov item to one of the beginning Trust quest NPCs, which may be acquired via:
Special Features
- Possesses 5/5 Haste Samba Effect merits (10% job ability Haste).
- Uses Saber Dance upon engaging and refreshes it as often as possible.
- Uses Haste Samba when another party member is on a main job with access to Cure (WHM,RDM,SCH,PLD) or when the enemy is undead, otherwise uses Drain Samba.
- Debuffs enemies using Feather Step while building Finishing moves to perform Climactic Flourish.
- Tends not to weapon skill very frequently due to spending TP on Feather Step as often as possible.
- Weapon skills more frequently once Feather Step's Daze reaches level 10; only occasionally using Feather Step to maintain the Daze effect.
- If he has enough TP for a weapon skill, uses Climactic Flourish first.
- Holds up to 2000 TP to wait for Climactic Flourish recast: does not try to skillchain.
Beastmaster / Warrior
Vehement Resolution
Weapon Skills
12 Blades of Remorse (AoE) / , Into the Light / , Arduous Decision (Silence) / , Camaraderie of the Crevasse /
- Trade the Cipher: Morimar item to one of the beginning Trust quest NPCs, which may be acquired via:
Special Features
- Possesses HP+10%
- Vehement Resolution consumes Morimar's TP, fully heals him, erases his debuffs, and makes him glow. (3 minute cooldown)
- Morimar will not attempt to close skillchains in this glow-state and his next WS will be 12 Blades of Remorse with 2000 TP.
- Since his attacks are special moves, he does not benefit from Sambas or Haste, but likewise is not affected by Slow or Spikes.
- Saves up to 2000 TP waiting to close a skillchain.
Trust Synergy
- Darrcuiln: Darrcuiln and Morimar will uses TP moves more often when summoned together.
- Darrcuiln will use TP moves with 1000 TP, regardless of whether Morimar is ready to complete a skillchain or not.
- Note: If Morimar's aura is up, Darrcuiln behaves normally and saves its TP until 1500-2000.
- Teodor: Unknown
Naja Salaheem (UC)
Monk / Warrior
Weapon Skills
(5)Peacebreaker / , (25)Hexa Strike , (50)Nott , (60)Black Halo / , (70)Justicebreaker /
- Be a member of the Naja Salaheem Unity Concord.
- Obtain 5000 Unity Accolades through Records of Eminence objectives for a Partial Personal Evaluation of 5pt.
Special Features
- Possesses Quadruple Attack, Triple Attack, Store TP, and Gilfinder traits.
- On summoning will pick a club weapon skill from her list and use that exclusively, re-summoning her will randomize the choice of weapon skill again, in this way you can "pick" her weapon skill.
- 200 TP per hit.
- Uses weapon skills when another party member has 1000 TP, otherwise holds TP indefinitely.
- Her Multi-Attack rate is very high: can a great skillchain partner for other trusts or yourself.
- But the damage is low to balance out the number of swings, and you may worry about feeding TP (Monster TP Gain).
- Peacebreaker applies a 20% Defense Down and 20% Magic Defense Down to the target for up to 30 seconds.
- Justicebreaker applies a 10% Defense Down and 10% Magic Defense Down to the target for up to 60 seconds.
- She has no MP so Nott only serves to restore her HP, which can make her very survivable if she has the required accuracy.
- With another party member like Ajido-Marujido who builds but doesn't spend TP, you may get Naja to self-skillchain Darkness with Justicebreaker.
Puppetmaster / White Mage
-na spells, Cure I - IV
Weapon Skills
Imperial Authority (Stun) /
Special Features
Trust Synergy
- Grants trust synergy bonuses to her automaton companions Mnejing and Ovjang. [Official Note]
- Mnejing receives increased defense (+10%) and increased enmity (+10%).
- Ovjang receives reduced enmity (-10%) and increased magic damage (+10%)
Samurai / Paladin
Cure I - IV
Hasso, Third Eye, Meditate, Sekkanoki
Weapon Skills
Tachi: Jinpu / , Tachi: Yukikaze / , Tachi: Gekko / , Tachi: Kasha / , Tachi: Kaiten /
- Trade the Cipher: Noillurie item to one of the beginning Trust quest NPCs, which may be acquired via:
Special Features
- Possesses MP+65%
- Favors Tachi: Kaiten, but will use other weapon skills to close Skillchain (However, she favors opening skillchains most times).
- Noilluie will perform Tachi: Kaiten on an existing Light skillchain in order to create a double Light skillchain (She can accomplish this even if she opened the initial skillchain thanks to her high rate of TP gain).
- Will attempt to perform a 4-step double Light self-skillchain based on Sekkanoki recast:
- When Sekkanoki is on cooldown, uses weapon skills at 1000 TP.
- Uses Cure spells on party members <50% HP or asleep.
- Learns her weapon skills at low levels: has Tachi: Jinpu by level 30 or earlier, Tachi: Kaiten by level 50.
Trust Synergy
- Excellent skillchain partner with Iroha II due to her frequency in opening Light skillchains with Tachi: Kaiten.
Red Mage / Paladin
Enspells, Haste/II, Distract/II, Frazzle/II, Phalanx/II, Protect I - V, Shell I - V, Refresh
Weapon Skills
Burning Blade , Red Lotus Blade / Vorpal Blade / , Savage Blade /
- Trade the Cipher: Rainemard item to one of the beginning Trust quest NPCs, which may be acquired via:
Special Features
- Will only cast Haste II and other enhancing magic spells on himself.
- Casts Enspells on himself based on the enemy's weaknesses (Note: he may change his Enspell each time he engages with a different enemy family).
- Rainemard's Enspells are extremely powerful: capable of dealing 50-350+ damage depending on his level/ilevel and stat buffs (MAB, etc).
- Casts Refresh when he falls below 50% MP.
Trust Synergy
- Curilla: Rainemard casts Phalanx II (unlocked at level 75) only on Curilla and himself. His Phalanx, like his Enspells, also appears to benefit from his extremely high enhancing magic skill, his Phalanx II is -35 damage.
Romaa Mihgo
Thief / Warrior
Feint, Aura Steal, Sneak Attack, Trick Attack
Weapon Skills
Fast Blade , Vorpal Blade / , Savage Blade / , Cobra Clamp(Conal AoE, Stun, Paralyze) /
Notice: Acquiring this trust is a long process of 12 quests of which a few have "a game day of waiting" between them. Setting aside a good amount of time is advised to see this done. The starting quest = The Tigress Stirs and you don't need to be allied to Windurst (S) in order to start or obtain this trust.
Special Features
- Will use Aura Steal to take buffs off mobs. This can Steal items also, which will be added to the player's inventory.
- Will only use Trick Attack and Sneak Attack when positioned correctly with the player, does not try to combine with weapon skills.
- Uses TP as soon as she gets it.
Trust Synergy
- Nanaa Mihgo/Lehko Habhoka:

Shikaree Z
Dragoon / White Mage
Cure I - IV, Haste, -na Spells, Erase.
Jump, High Jump, Super Jump, Ancient Circle
Weapon Skills
Raiden Thrust / , Skewer / , Wheeling Thrust , Impulse Drive /
- Complete Three Paths.
- Speak to Perih Vashai in Windurst Woods (K-7) Note: you must have the Windurst Trust Permit.
- If you are on some Promathia Missions after 5-3 (8-2 for sure) you will not be able to acquire this trust until completing those missions.
Special Features
- Possesses HP-10%, MP+100%
- Uses Ancient Circle if the enemy is a dragon
- Super Jump is used when ShikareeZ is in the top enmity slot
- Gains 205 TP on hit; has high TP return on Jump (655 TP) and High Jump (1065 TP).
- Holds TP to 2000 to try to close skillchains.
- Saves Cure for party members under 50% HP or affected by Sleep
- Prioritizes Haste over other spells, except to cast Erase when Slow would prevent Haste.
Samurai / Samurai
Hasso, Save TP (400), Meditate, Hagakure, Third Eye
Weapon Skills
Amatsu: Torimai / , Amatsu: Kazakiri / , Amatsu: Yukiarashi / , Amatsu: Tsukioboro / , Amatsu: Hanaikusa / ,
Amatsu: Tsukikage /
- Trade the Cipher: Tenzen item to one of the beginning Trust quest NPCs, which may be acquired via:
Special Features
- Gains 203 TP per hit.
- Holds TP until 1500 to try to close skillchains.
- If Meditate and Hagakure are both available, can do 3-step self-skillchains.
- Nearly all of Tenzen's weapon skills are variants of normal Great Katana weapon skills.
- Amatsu: Tsukikage is a unique weapon skill only usable by Tenzen.
Black Mage / Dark Knight
-ja Spells, -ga Spells (Magic Burst only)
Start from Scratch
Weapon Skills
Sinner's Cross / , Ravenous Assault (Drain) , Frenzied Thrust / , Open Coffin / , Hemocladis (Restores Teodor's HP) /
- Trade the Cipher: Teodor item to one of the beginning Trust quest NPCs, which may be acquired via:
Special Features
- Possesses HP+35%, MP+50%
- Teodor cannot be healed via curative magic. (Trusts with healing magic will not attempt to heal him)
- Normal attacks have different attributes depending on their motion.
- A slash with his cane is
- An attack causing an explosion with his left hand is a
darkness attribute special attack
- Horizontal striking attack has a Silence Additional Effect.
- Since his attacks are treated as special techniques, his attack interval is not affected or influenced by Haste, Slow, En-spell, Samba, Spikes, etc.
- Uses TP randomly and does not try to skillchain.
- Uses Start from Scratch under 50%, which consumes TP, erases negative status effects, and gives him a dark aura.
- When he has the dark aura on, he will build TP to 2000 and use Hemocladis, and loses the aura.
- Only uses his elemental magic to magic burst.
Trust Synergy
Uka Totlihn
Dancer / Warrior
Quickstep, Drain Samba/II/III, Reverse Flourish, Haste Samba, Curing Waltz I - V, Healing Waltz
Weapon Skills
- Trade the Cipher: Uka item to one of the beginning Trust quest NPCs, which may be acquired via:
Special Features
- Heals party members with Curing Waltzes when they're below 66% HP.
- Builds finishing moves using Quickstep and expends them on Reverse Flourish to gain TP.
- Once Quickstep is at daze lv.5, only re-applies it when it's <10s from expiring.
- Uses Reverse Flourish only with 5 finishing moves and when TP is low.
- When above 2000 TP, uses Judgment. Does not try to skillchain.
- Has Healing Waltz but only removes status effects from herself.
- Uses Haste Samba when another party member is on a main job with access to Cure (WHM,RDM,SCH,PLD) or when the enemy is undead, otherwise uses Drain Samba.
Trust Synergy
- Mumor: By summoning them both at the same time, the stats of the abilities they use will increase. [Official Synergy Hint]
- Mumor gains ~10% enhanced samba duration. (Stacks with Saber Dance: 108s -> 120s)
- Uka gains ~10% enhanced waltz potency. (Curing Waltz V: 1067 HP -> 1173 HP)
Warrior / Warrior
Aggressor, Berserk, Defender, Provoke, Retaliation, Warrior's Charge, Warcry
Weapon Skills
Berserk-Ruf (Attack Boost) , Fast Blade , Savage Blade / , Spirits Within , Vorpal Blade / ,
- Complete the initiation quest in Bastok.
- Must be Rank 6 or higher in any nation.
Special Features
- If there is a NIN, PLD, or RUN in the party, behaves as a damage dealer: Uses Aggressor, Berserk.
- If there are no other tanks in the party, behaves as a tank: Uses Defender, Retaliation.
- Uses Provoke in either role to maintain enmity as a tank or off-tank.
- Uses weapon skills at 2000 TP with Warrior's Charge if it's available; does not try to skillchain.
Dark Knight / Dark Knight
Absorb spells (Includes Absorb-Attri and Absorb-TP), Endark, Drain/Aspir I/II, Stun
Last Resort, Nether Void, Souleater
Weapon Skills
Freezebite / , Ground Strike / , Abyssal Drain (Drain) , Abyssal Strike (Stun)
- Trade the Cipher: Zeid item to one of the beginning Trust quest NPCs, which may be acquired via:
Special Features
- At low HP, uses HP draining weapon skills and Nether Void for Drain II.
- Uses Absorb-TP in the second half of the battle (when an enemy has TP).
- Only uses Souleater when a healer is present (Automaton doesn't count).
- Uses TP as soon as he gets it.
- If the enemy is readying a TP move when he is ready to use a weapon skill, attempts to stun it with Abyssal Strike.
- Casts Stun to interrupt enemy TP moves.
Trust Synergy
- Aldo/Lion/Zeid: When two or three of them are in a party together, they gain a power boost from each of the others in the party. [Official synergy hint]
- Aldo gains an “enhances Dual Wield effect” bonus (Requires level 20 or greater). Adds a chance for extra attacks instead of reducing delay: his TP gain is still multiples of 50. (similar to Hattori Garb Set) [Reference:Patch Notes]
- Lion gains an attack speed increase ~6%/~12%.
- Zeid gains an attack bonus ~10%/~20%.